It’s a new year! Author Melody Beattie once said, “The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written.” 2023 is a blank slate, giving you the chance to make it what you want. We are here to help you start the year on the right foot with great spots to visit this season, a look at home projects that can increase your home’s value, two deliciously simple recipes, and tips for finding the perfect art for your living spaces.
Traveling is a great way to take a break from your normal routine. It gives us an opportunity to explore different places and let the mind wonder and create. A winter trip allows you to escape the cold, or perhaps embrace it, and start the year off feeling relaxed. Be sure to check out the list of ideal travel destinations for a winter getaway.
You might think that spring and summer are the best times to complete home projects, but there are numerous advantages to winter home improvements. This issue offers a closer look at value-added projects that you’re going to want to complete before spring.
Cooking tasty meals doesn’t always have to involve complicated ingredients. Inside you’ll find simple meal recipes from The Art of Pantry Cooking that are perfect for the cooler weather.
Hanging art in your home can add character and interest to your spaces. However, it’s often not an easy decision since quality pieces can come at a higher cost. Whitney Forstner, founder of the art-curation company INTO/ART, offers tips for finding the right art for you and your home.
Here’s hoping for a great start to the new year! Enjoy the following pages. As always, thank you for being part of the Amida family.
Amida Lifestyle Magazine January 2023
With love & light,