A New Way To Look At Your Bucket List

Bucket Lists Don’t Have To Be For Tomorrow With Amida Wealth

This Sunday funday embrace the present moment with a bucket list for today. Life is like a movie, it is a bunch of clips put together to tell a story. Wealth is the ability to fully experience life and embrace the journey. People often think of bucket lists as lists of big, grand, adventurous things to do before you die. However, sometimes you’re just looking for some simple bucket ideas for things you can accomplish right now. These things don’t have to be big, grand, and adventurous. In other words, they could be sweet gestures for friends and family, new self-care rituals, or things you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t gotten around to yet.

This is a list of simple bucket list ideas you can accomplish in a day, an afternoon, an hour, or even a single minute! In other words, expand your wealth energy and use this bucket list for quick wins today.

Your Present Moment Bucket List

  • Buy Coffee for the Person Behind You in Line
  • Write a short poem
  • Go out to Dinner Alone
  • Get Ordained Online
  • Watch the Sunrise
  • Watch the Sunset
  • Run a Mile
  • Read a Classic Novel
  • Feed an Expired Meter
  • Reconnect with an Old Friend
  • Donate Your Clothes
  • Do Something You’re Afraid Of
  • Write a Letter to Your Future Self
  • Walk Along the Beach
  • Make a Vision Board
  • Write in a journal
  • Go to a new cafe
  • Take a Different Route to Work
  • Make a Playlist of Your Favorite Songs
  • Take a Bubble Bath
  • Start a Blog
  • Exchange Books with a Friend
  • Start a book club
  • Plan a healthy nourishing dinner
  • Organize your space
  • Create a workout plan for the week
  • Look up fun hikes in your area
  • Visit a new beach

For The Love Of Bucket Lists

Bucket lists get you excited, create focus, motivate you, push your boundaries, make you feel accomplished, and inspire more creativity! First, accomplishment gives you a feeling of pride, which in turn builds self-esteem and increases life satisfaction. Secondly, when you are living the bucket list life, you will be continuously making checkmarks next to your goals, and become inspired to constantly step out of your comfort zone. Third, leaving your comfort zone allows you to have new experiences and to engage in activities that you haven’t before, all while opening you up to meet new people. In other words, if you can try this, you are open to all sorts of possibilities you may not have thought possible. In other words, start small and think big – wealth is a mindset!

Amida Wealth Family Conversations

At your next family or friends gathering encourage your friends and family to participate in a present moment bucket list. How often do they step outside of their comfort zone? Additionally, what wins do they experience throughout their day? When do they feel the most joy? Encourage your friends and family to embrace the present moment. Additionally, expand their wealth energy by encouraging them to become more open to new opportunities and experiences in life! In what ways can they become more expansive, and in what ways can you inspire yourself to do the same? We are all in this together! Amida Wealth is one phone call and email away.

Final Thoughts

The more presence we have, the greater ability we have to manifest wealth into our lives. Be present in your wealth journey and create a bucket list for today. Be grateful for the small wins, so you can be ready to embrace the bigger wins as they come your way. In other words, expand your Amida wealth energy! Did you add anything new to the list? Let us know! Or better yet, do it, capture it, share it, tag us. We love seeing people experiencing wealth!



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